The Right Choice of Freight Elevator for Product Transport
Main Text: For any business with frequent transportation of small and large loads, Lift Up recommends the installation of a freight or food elevator for safe and fast transport, even of the most delicate loads.
Cargo Elevator
Είναι κατάλληλοι για μεταφορά εμπορευμάτων και για ογκώδη βαριά αντικείμενα , η χρήση αυτού του τύπου ανελκυστήρα – ασανσέρ απευθύνεται κυρίως σε βιοτεχνίες, super market, αποθήκες και άλλες εφαρμογές στην βιομηχανία και το εμπόριο που απαιτείται η αδιάλειπτη μεταφορά βαριών αντικειμένων μεταξύ οροφών.
The speed of these elevators is generally slower than that of passenger elevators, as required by law, and their construction is robust to handle whole pallet loads.
The speed of these elevators is generally slower than that of passenger elevators, as required by law, and their construction is robust to handle whole pallet loads.
Food Elevators - Dumbwaiter
Also known as "dumbwaiters," these are small freight elevators for food or drink. They are used in multi-story residential buildings but are also ideal for cafes, restaurants, bars, hotels, and kitchens—anywhere there's a need to transport meals or beverages quickly and efficiently.